List of jonathan17 Reading guide December 19, 2020

Batman (1986-2011) 1941 Comics


118-121 (A Death in the Family)

149-153 (A Lonely Place of Dying)

234--335 (Knightfall)

393-404 (Contagion)

415-431 (Legacy)

505-536 (Cataclysm)

566- 592 (No Man's Land)

1129-1153 (War Games)

1307-1322 (Infinite Crisis)

1491-1500 (The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul)

1580-1605 (R.I.P Y Crisis Final)

1636-1652 (Battle for the Cowl)

1726-1745 (Blackest Night)

1794-1810 (The Return of Bruce Wayne)


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There is no comic book that meets the conditions


ezesantamaria · 4/20/2021

Esto es oro puro!!!