Robin. Year One

DC Comics

4 comics

Softcover 48-52 pp


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Tim Drake may be the current Robin, but he wasn't the first. That honor goes to Dick Grayson, now Nightwing, whose untold earliest adventures as the Boy Wonder, sidekick to the mysterious Batman, are now revealed in ROBIN: YEAR ONE, a 4-part Prestige Format miniseries co-written by Chuck Dixon (ROBIN, NIGHTWING) and Scott Beatty (GREEN LANTERN 80-PAGE GIANT), with art by Javier Pulido (The Incredible Hulk) and Robert Campanella (BATGIRL). Already entrenched in the Batcave and his official training complete, young Dick Grayson has a world of experience to gain, and a ton of new enemies to make, beginning with the truly insane Mad Hatter! Ultimately, over the course of YEAR ONE, Robin crosses paths with many crazed villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery and makes a new deadly enemy for himself, one whose impact will be felt in the present-day pages of NIGHTWING! ROBIN: YEAR ONE explores many facets of Dick's early days as Robin, including his struggle to live a "normal" childhood while continuing to serve not only as the Boy Wonder, but also as the ward of one of the world's most visible, richest and eligible businessmen, Bruce Wayne. Not unlike BATMAN: YEAR ONE, which became an enduring classic because of its account of a hero in the making, ROBIN: YEAR ONE will reveal how Dick became the hero he is today.


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