List of javisays Personal December 15, 2019

Flashpoint 9 Comics


Flashpoint will go down in history as one of the most influential events in DC Comics history, given that the Flash focused event marked the end of the post-Crisis DC Universe (1985 to 2011) and led into the launch of DC’s New 52. Say what you like about the alternate reality Flashpoint universe, but it’s the rare superhero comic event that actually managed to change everything.Flashpoint will go down in history as one of the most influential events in DC Comics history, given that the Flash focused event marked the end of the post-Crisis DC Universe (1985 to 2011) and led into the launch of DC’s New 52. Say what you like about the alternate reality Flashpoint universe, but it’s the rare superhero comic event that actually managed to change everything.

There is no comic book that meets the conditions


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