The Superman Files

The Superman Files

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The Superman Files


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The Superman Files reveals the secret life of the man named Clark Kent and the world of the greatest superhero. It's a comprehensive account of his history, employing clippings from the Daily Planet, journal entries, surviving artifacts from Krypton, schematics for the Fortress of Solitude and other technology, files from Stryker's Island Prison, as well as hundreds of "photographs" of Superman's enemies and allies culled from modern Superman comics.

The Superman Files offers a complete, in-depth life story of the Man of Steel, from his birth on Krypton as Kal-El through his present, as Clark Kent and Superman, and even onward into the future.

One thousand years from now, a group of superpowered teenagers is inspired by Superman's legacy. They band together and form the Legion of Super-Heroes, a crime-fighting group dedicated to protecting the citizens of the United Planets. One of these teens is Brainiac 5, a highly intelligent descendant of Superman's arch foe, the original Brainiac.

Like many people in the 31st Century, members of the Legion idolize Superman. They frequent the Superman Museum and marvel at tales of his past. A few of them even travel back in time to Clark Kent's teenage years. They recruit him to their team, thereby jumpstarting the adventures of Superboy, the Boy of Steel.

In a future without precise records of the 21st Century, Brainiac 5 takes it upon himself to compile a tribute to his hero and friend. Collecting accounts from a myriad of sources, he compiles the universe's greatest historical record of the life and times of the Man of Steel.

The Superman Files chronicles seventy-five years of adventures in one easy-to-understand history of the Last Son of Krypton. Appealing to Superman fans of any age--from new collectors just starting out with the New 52 to longtime readers who have followed the character from his very first adventures--there is something for everyone. With a modern tone and a deep respect for his legacy, The Superman Files is not only entertaining, but it is also a complete and thorough history of the Man of Steel.

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What readers say


5 3

has rated510/5/2023

Edición y contenidos de lujo!!!!

has rated52/17/2022

Es una edición hermosa. Una excelente pieza para todo fan de Superman. Una recopilación de Brainiac 5 traída del año 3013.

has rated57/17/2019

Se nos presenta la cronología de Superman de una forma bastante completa, con aliados, enemigos, familia, sagas y eventos .. la única salvedad es que la narrativa es hasta inicios de los nuevos 52, no alcanza a Rebirth.

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