Batman the Cult

DC Comics

4 comics

Softcover 48 pp


  • 3.73.7 6 reviews
  • English (United States)
  • 65Have it


An epic 4 part tale from writer Jim Starlin and artist Bernie Wrightson featuring Batman Vs Joseph "Deacon" Blackfire and his large gathering of homeless followers in the sewers.

In this mini-series, Blackfire proceeds to take over the entire city of Gotham with his small army whilst attempting to take Commissioner Gordon's life. This story sees Batman broken like no other villain has ever done to him through drugging, brainwashing and even making Batman believe in a false god. The only hope he has is his wits, grit and Robin (Jason Todd).

The series was released two years after Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight and takes many stylistic influences from the series. It also features a rare supporting role for then Robin Jason Todd.


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Jim StarlinBernie Wrightson

What readers say


3.7 6

3 5/12/2020

Una historia interesante que nos muestra a un Batman débil, vulnerable y que no está preparado para todo. Se luce bastante el dibujo en los dos primeros números, mostrándonos la locura en la que se sume Batman. Una lástima que los otros dos números sean un refrito de DKR y que el villano sea tan flojo. Una versión de Batman que no es para todos.

3 3/29/2024

4 1/6/2017

3 9/15/2016

5 12/11/2015

4 5/6/2015

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