Silent War Vol 1 #1

Silent War Vol 1 #1

Act One: The Warrior

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Silent War Vol 1

3.33.33 reviews

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English (United States) · 


Gorgon and three other inhumans go to Earth to make a statement that would let the people of the world know that the American government has basically stolen their property (the Terrigen Mists). One of the inhumans gets a little excited and kills an opera house full of wealthy and influential people. The Inhumans leave but are captured by the Fantastic Four before they can escape. The Inhumans are taken to a O.N.E. base where Gorgon is further mutated by a second exposure to the mists.

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ISBN / Barcode

  • 759606060429-00111

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3.3 3

has rated411/25/2023

Me gustó que Los Inhumanos pisaron fuerte en su conflicto contra USA, Gorgon y otros más no le temblaron el pulso de traer terror a un teatro y uno de ellos terminó matando a mucha gente inocente, esto desencadena que Los 4 Fantásticos no perdonen a estos inhumanos, el final con Gorgon convertido en una especie de animal salvaje, tiene buena pinta y por ahoa el misterio que gira en torno a Black Volt también

has rated33/22/2024

has rated33/19/2018

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