Heavy Metal Magazine #39

Heavy Metal Magazine #39

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Heavy Metal Magazine

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Cover - "The Necronomicon" - Hans Ruedi Giger

p.02-03 - "Illustration" - Peter Goodfellow

p.03 - "...Thirty-Nine..." - Dan Steffan and Ted White

p.04, 87-89 - "Comix" - Jay Kinney

p.04, 90-91 - "Muzick" - Lou Stathis and R. B. Day

p.05, 81-86 - "Flix" - Bhob Stewart and Suzan Pitt

p.05, 32, 71-72 - "SF" - Steve Brown and Rick Bryant

p.06, 31 - "The Jeronaton Interview" - Diana K. Bletter

p.08-24 - "Champakou: Final Episode" - Jean "Jéronaton" Torton

p.25-30 - "The Adventures Of Professor Thintwhistle And His Incredible Aether Flyer: Chapter Five" - Steve Stiles and Richard Lupoff

p.31-32 - "Work And Win" - Steve Stiles

p.33-34 - "Earth Versus The Flying Wallendas" - Bill Maher and Bob Keenan

p.35-40 - "Shipwreck" - Philippe "Caza" Cazamayou

p.41-53 - "The Alchemist Supreme: Part Two" - Julio Ribera and Christian Godard

p.56-64 - "Captain Sternn" - Berni Wrightson (reprinted in One Step Beyond 1996)

p.65-66 - "Changes: Pillow Kill" - Matt Howarth

p.67-68 - "Changes: Funnies" - Matt Howarth

p.69-70 - "Changes: Sympathy For The Bulldaggers: The Club With Only Three Members" - Matt Howarth

p.71-72 - "The Bus" - Paul Kirchner

p.73-77 - "Gallery Section: H. R. Giger"

p.81-86 - "Rock Opera" - Rod Kierkegaard Jr.

p.87-89 - "Success" - John Workman

p.90-91 - "Dream Police" - Gerry Capelle

p.93-96 - "Localized Objective" - François Schuiten and Luc Schuiten

Back Cover - "In New York, We Call 'Em The Jets" - Dameron

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