Is'nana the Were-Spider #2

Is'nana the Were-Spider #2

The Hornet's Web

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Is'nana the Were-Spider

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After defeating Osebo the Leopard, Is'nana, the son of Anansi the Spider God of Stories, must now face Queen Mmboro the Hornet, her daughter Princess Kantite, and their family of hornets, wasps, and bees who unite and seek to inject themselves into human beings to take over our reality. Unfortunately caught among the mayhem is the Baptiste family, Leland, Gina, and Jenka, who fight to survive and protect each other at all costs against Queen Mmboro's evil hive. Is'nana must not only test his physically limits but also deal with rising tensions with his father who sees fit to control and protect his every move.

Also, Is'nana travels to Haiti to retrieve the lost dog of Papa Legba, the Loa God of the Crossroads. But can Is'nana successfully match wits with the troublesome Ti-Malice, Uncle Bouki, and Compere Chat while also battling Jeremy Tableau, a trickster with his own ulterior motive?

 Featuring guest starring characters from books by their creators: Malice in Ovenland (Micheline Hess), DayBlack (Keef Cross), Princess Love Pon (Shauna J. Grant), Bärrdok the Wanderer (Mike Priebe), Bounce! (Chuck Collins), and Shiver Bureau (Walter Ostlie)

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ISBN / Barcode

  • 978-0-997-36281-7

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4 1

has rated44/21/2019

Un número mucho mas redondo que el anterior. Conocemos la historia de las abejas, avispas y avispones, que sirve de introducción a la trama principal. Vemos como Is'nana caza y se enfrenta a este nuevo repunte de posesiones. Y por ultimo, se aprovecha el viaje de Is'nana por los mundos espirituales para atraer la colaboración de un buen número de autores independientes. De nuevo, lo variado del dibujo puede afectar a la historia, aunque en este caso se aprovecha de una manera bastante inteligente.

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