Action Comics Vol. 1 (1938-2011; 2016-) #848

Action Comics Vol. 1 (1938-2011; 2016-) #848

Faith... ...And Death!

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Action Comics Vol. 1 (1938-2011; 2016-)

4.041 reviews

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English (United States) · 


There is a group of missionaries in Nyasir. The government there opposes them, but the locals want them there. Government troops threaten them, so their protector, a superhuman named Redemption, appears and defends them. When the troops open fire, Redemption blasts them, accidentally killing all the troops. Superman gets wind of this, and is able to track Redemption's trail back to Colorado. He finds a man praying with his folks, regretting that he couldn't control the power, which comes from beliefs in him. Superman changes to Clark, and then goes to the local church, meeting Rev. Hightower. They talk, and Hightower says he sent Redemption to protect the missionaries, but is also not pleased with the final result. Later, Hightower and Jared (Redemption's civilian name) discuss the situation, and what could happen next time. Meantime, back in Nyasir, more government troops track down the missionaries, and slaughter them. Superman hears news reports of problems there, and rushes there, as does Redemption, too late to immediately help. Redemption confronts the troops, but Superman disarms them, and confronts Redemption.

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Publication date

ISBN / Barcode

  • 07098930410905
  • 761941200019-84811

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